Category: EM
Life Prep Groups – 12/15/2019
Youth: Old Testament Essentials: 6th-8th led by Chris; 9th-12th led by Susan/Alan; Young Adult/ Adults: Old Testament Essentials: led by Alfred; Children: Hearts Alive! preschool to 2nd led by Esther; 3rd-5th led by Liza.
Our Prayers
OUR PRAYERS Dear Heavenly Father,Like Mary, our hearts magnify Your Name, and our spirits rejoice in You, our God and Savior!You are mighty and have done great things for us!Holy is Your Name!We praise you today on this day of Advent joy, knowing that our joy is found in You …
Life Prep Groups – 12/08/2019
Youth: Old Testament Essentials: 6th-8th led by Chris; 9th-12th led by Susan/Alan; Young Adult/ Adults: Old Testament Essentials: led by Pastor John; Children: Hearts Alive! preschool to 2nd led by Esther; 3rd-5th led by Liza.
Our Prayers
OUR PRAYERS Our Father in Heaven,We praise You for your Word which instructs us and encourages us so that we can maintain hope with fortitude.You are the source of encouragement and fortitude!May we therefore be united, and in agreement with one voice in the manner of Christ Jesus to offer …
Peace on Earth
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased! — Luke 2:14
Life Prep Groups – 12/01/2019
Youth: Old Testament Essentials: 6th-8th led by Chris; 9th-12th led by Susan/Alan; Young Adult/ Adults: Old Testament Essentials: led by Pastor John; Children: Hearts Alive! preschool to 2nd led by Esther; 3rd-5th led by Liza.
Our Prayers
OUR PRAYERS O Prince of Peace, King Jesus,Reign in Your Church!As the Psalmist prayed for Jerusalem, whose very name means peace so we pray for Your Church.Come and inhabit its walls and fill each worshiper of Your majesty. You came as a child to teach us peace.Come now and shine …
Life Prep Groups – 11/24/2019
Youth: Old Testament Essentials: 6th-8th led by Chris; 9th-12th led by Susan/Alan; Young Adult/ Adults: Old Testament Essentials: led by Pastor John; Children: Hearts Alive! preschool to 2nd led by Esther; 3rd-5th led by Liza.
Our Prayers
OUR PRAYERS Dear Father in Heaven,Everything we have comes from you.Teach us to give with cheerful hearts knowing that it is yours we are returning to you.Teach us to give the best that we have, and not keep the best for ourselves.Teach us the meaning of parting with material things …