Women of Grace 新恩婦女團契


Women of Grace’s Ministry 新恩婦女團契



我們每月組織旨在鼓勵靈性成長的活動和服務機會。 歡迎所有姐妹加入這個團契,包括新恩堂的姐妹和所有其他在基督裡的姐妹。年齡、種族或語言不會限制我們。請加入我們。

The purpose of our Women’s Ministry is to encourage women to grow deeper in their relationship with God and with other women so that we may experience the abundant life that God has intended for us.

We organize monthly events and service opportunities designed to encourage spiritual growth.

All sisters are welcome to join this fellowship, including sisters from Grace Church and all other sisters in Christ. Ages, ethnicities, or languages do not limit us. Please join us.

2022 – 2023 Women of Grace’s Virtual & In-person Meetup Dates 聚會日期

Oct 1: What Is Surrender Anyway? (zoom)

Nov 5: God’s Character Matters (zoom)

Dec 10: Serving Day (in-person, more info to be follow)

Jan 7: Giving In and Up (zoom)

Mar 4: Being Transformed (zoom)

Apr 1: The Ripple Effect of Surrender (zoom)

May 6: Pot-luck (in person, more info to be follow)

如果想了解更多信息, 請聯繫 Li-Chan, Candi, Pat or Brianne 電郵 OCMWOG@gmail.com.


2022-2023 Online Bible Study 在線聖經學習

“I Give Up: The Secret of Joy of a Surrendered Life” 

線上 zoom 聚會

We will be studying “Giving In and Up” by Laura Story this season.

In this five-session video Bible study, recording artist and bestselling author Laura Story demonstrates the ironic joy found when we surrender all to God and each give up our own will. To submit our expectations and power is not a step-by-step process but a daily and willful decision worth every effort. We will have group discussions and share in small groups in various languages.

Zoom Dates:  Oct 1, Nov 5, Jan 7, Mar 4, Apr 1

Time: 10:00AM-11:30AM

如果想了解更多信息, 請聯繫 Li-Chan, Candi, Pat or Brianne 電郵 OCMWOG@gmail.com.

Connect with Us on Social Media 社交媒體


  • Sharing prayer requests and praying for each other.
  • Sharing individual acts of kindness, rejoice with one another for impacting others.

WHATSAPP - Sisters of Grace

請聯繫 Li-Chan or OCMWOG@gmail.com.


Women of Grace Fellowship - Ridgefield Park, NJ https://www.facebook.com/groups/899148490637546/

– 哥林多前書 15:10